It has become my droplet of gained knowledge after visiting the Getty in Los Angeles that Leonardo DaVinci used the phrase I have, after much consideration, decided to name this blog after. Although I have struggled tirelessly over what to write about and when exactly to begin for quite some time, this, like many things I find myself hopelessly interested in, seems flawless.
According to those clever little informational wall displays museumgoers swoon over and huddle around like a high school try out roster, Leo wrote the phrase “Tell me if ever” every time he switched from a dried up pen to a new one. Which made me think- this has to mean something more than it’s straightforward translation, right? I mean it’s Leonardo Davinci for God’s sake. The man had the audacious nerve to write this phrase and every ounce of his linear writing backwards- that clever bastard. Meaning aside, I dig it and like most things I will post here, rarely, until I find some kind of retrospect, will I have a legitimate reason as to why. So just dig it too.
I guess, as cliché as it may sound, the timing was right. I couldn’t help it. I lusted over Leo’s words instantly- no questions asked.
And here is my confession (I imagine the first of many): I admit I do have a decent amount of aspirations for this blog. But more often than not, daily influences that inspire me tend to be relatively short lived. They are obsessed over compulsively for a short period of time and quickly die out. I figure this way I can come to terms with the things that bring me to a borderline unhealthy and undoubtedly irrational obsession and pawn them off to innocent bloggoers (in a loving way of course). This is my manifesto, my vision, if you will. I might just be a little bit neurotic but I am a lot bit curious. So allow me- let this blog usurp your mind as I do my best to conquer yours and I apologize if it seems a bit kitschy along the way (at least, initially, of course).
Tell me if ever,
PLEASE NOTE: This image seemed wildly appropriate- A lovely sketch by Leo of a fetus. =)