Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tourism a La Mode
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Touche Amsterdam...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Whilst yet to prove.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Youthful Folly
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cheers to a second round of London!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Just so bloody excited!@(
London, today[tomorrow], you are mine. For the first time in my life, I will be going to London tomorrow(eeekk! excitementzz) and to make things simple/lovely/worth-reading I will most likely make a list of the things I found the most ravishing whilst there.
The day will be long (leaving Oxford at 8 am- if I make it =)- and getting back at 12 am) so I am not totally positive I will be able to write as promptly as I would like to. Take this as a preface/teaser, if you will, and I will update with the most juicy details upon my return.
Sore Accent-ident
Horror movies make my life better. I would assume this isn’t exactly the same reaction most get from this art form but I really do think sometimes that without horror movies my life would be substantially less interesting.
(I promise this has to do something with Oxford but it involves some back-story for those who don’t know)
Last year, I lived with a good friend of mine, Missy, who was about as obsessed as I am, if not more, with all of the greatest horror movies known to mankind so my obsession became progressively worse as our year living together grew longer. Not to mention, I also blame my mother who is from New Orleans and therefore has all kinds of creepy running through her veins and an unhealthy addiction to the absurdly terrifying.
Well, yesterday in Oxford, I was lucky enough to meet a group of Brits at a pub who effortlessly met my criteria for English acquaintances: 1) about my age 2) relatively interesting 3) not an overly orthodontic tooth to be seen. We got to talking which mostly consisted of them telling my roommate and I how strange American vernacular is. How “gas station” is “petrol” and “SUVs” are “four wheels” (and only driven around by stupid Americans who move here- which I could not agree with more). Anyways, we got to talking about zombies (naturally, of course) and horror movies. And although I was not THAT surprised how impressed they were with my knowledge, it was entertaining to see the American films they love here which I would consider pretty terrible cinematic experiences in the US. Then, one of the boys asked me if I had every seen the movie “Sore.” I, not understanding which was a common thread to much of our conversation, asked, “Sore, like open sore” (graphic, I know). And he said “Yes, you know, the movie where the guy puts other guys in terrible situations and makes them try to figure out how to get out alive.” Then I said, “Do you mean SAW?” He laughed and agreed and as he mocked me for talking like a cowboy, realized how dreadful the American (most especially Texas) accent is.
Thank you again Oxford for making me feel charming and like a fool all at the same time.
One Decadent Oxford Woman.
Hello! and greetings from Oxford!
Although I intended my blog posts to be more photo based, I accidentally forgot my camera connector in the states so I guess I will have to woo you with my words in the meantime. Speaking of…I cant help but think how incredibly silly it is that the Brits (boys especially) find the American accent “charming.” Last I checked improper English and using the work “like” far too often (which I am guilty of) is far from charming but I guess this is where the phrase “To each is own” would come into play?
I really would hate for this to become a “Today in Europe I did this” type of blog so I will most likely pick out one or a few things I find worth writing about.
Today, walking the streets of Oxford I saw this old woman wearing at least 3 different furs, 4 or 5 watches, and what looked like every ounce of jewelry she owned. The purpose of this story is to tell you, a curious third party participant of my adventures abroad, that I want to be her one day- roaming the streets of Oxford in what looked like a drunken stumble at 3 pm. She was glamorous and uninhibited- practically everything I could hope to be. Thank you Oxford.